01233 659136 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 King Arthur's Court, Maidstone Road, Charing, Ashford, Kent, TN27 0JS

Considerate Contractors Scheme

Image of Considerate Contractors Scheme logo and Monitors Report with Excellent rating

Following a recent site visit by a Considerate Contractors Scheme monitor, we are thrilled to share that we have again achieved an Excellent rating! This time for demonstrating our commitment to our workforce, the environment and the wider community on the Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School Teaching Block project.

Kent Structures achieved Excellent across all fields and are incredibly grateful to our wonderful workforce and contractors in adhering to our policies and procedures enabling us to achieve this score.

This is our second Excellent-rated report since joining the scheme in late 2022. Copies of both reports can be downloaded below.




The Considerate Constructors Scheme has been supporting and driving positive change in the construction industry for the past three decades.

We have a Code of Considerate Practice which helps drive better conduct and higher standards across construction activities. The Code describes how construction teams which register their construction activity with us can operate more responsibly and respectfully.

With our guidance, those running a construction site can make informed choices that help improve their standards and lessen their overall impact on the communities around them.

The Code focusses on three areas:
– Respecting the community
– Caring for the environment
– Valuing the workforce

For further information, visit the Considerate Contractors Scheme website >